The dream of raking signifies that some of your matters or projects will not be completed unless you pay more attention to them. You probably need to learn better planning and organizing of your endeavors. According to dream interpretation, rakes symbolize confronting your own emotions, whether they are good or bad.

Rake symbolism
A dream about rakes holds strong symbolism, usually foretelling hard work in the upcoming period. It also expresses respect for true values such as dedication and friendship. In a negative sense, a dream about rakes symbolizes a lack of freedom, lack of life independence, and the inability to make decisions independently without fearing the reactions of others.
Raking leaves
A dream about raking leaves is a sign that you will finally decide to organize your own life. The near future will be particularly favorable for you, so consider how best to make use of it.
Raking the ground
A dream in which you rake the ground signifies that you will start paying attention to everything that happens in your life. You will focus on matters of varying importance and set new goals, enabling you to fight for what you want.
Dream of carrying a rake
Carrying a rake in a dream is a sign that someone will exploit your kindness for their own needs. Be wary of those who shamelessly desire more from you regardless of how much they receive.
Tripping over a rake
When you dream of tripping over a rake, it means that due to a lack of responsibility, you will encounter significant trouble. Remember that making thoughtless decisions or giving empty promises will not take you far. If, on the other hand, you see someone else tripping over a rake, the dream serves as a warning not to underestimate people you don't know.
What meaning can be found in a dream about rakes in the mystic dream book?
A dream about rakes signifies that you are utilizing the resources you have effectively. In a negative sense, rakes seen in dreams may indicate that you will gradually lose hope of achieving success in an important matter, leading to increased helplessness and isolation. Fortunately, just in time, you will receive support from your loved ones who will explain to you that you should not stress over things you can no longer change.
The sight of rakes in dreams conveys the message that your past problems will resurface.
Raking mud or grass that turns into mud signifies that although you will do everything to solve a tormenting problem, no solution will yield the expected outcome.
A dream in which you steal someone's rake may symbolize the need to constantly be in the center of attention.